BCT Tours

The Holy Family in Egypt

Book your trip with us and discover more secrets about the journey of the Holy family in Egypt.

One of the most interesting events that took place in Egypt is the journey of the Holy family. The Holy Family journey starts when joseph was warned by an angel that he (Joseph), Jesus and virgin Mary must leave Bethlehem to Egypt. Due to a wise man announced that Jesus will be the Jews’ next king. King Harod (Ruler of Judea) was scared to death from this declaration and decided to kill Jesus.

From this point, the Holy Family Journey begins. Every single spot they passed by was transformed to churches and monasteries. 
Their journey started from Northern Sinai--> Farma -- > Tel Basra -- > Mostorod -- >Belbeis -- > city of Samanoud -- > Valley of Natroun. 

Their next destination was Cairo precisely located in old Cairo which was named later Abi Serja Church.

Moving southwards to Minya, Gabal Al Kaf (mountain of Palm) and heading to Assiut, they settled there for six months. Three Years or even more, the Holy family Journey took place before heading back to Palastine.